During this experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal and near-universal basic methods of the shaman to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature.
They will learn how the journey is utilized to restore spiritual power and health and how shamanism can be applied in contemporary life to help heal oneself, others, and the planet. Completion of this workshop qualifies participants to take more advanced workshops and training courses from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the premier international school of shamanism founded by Michael Harner.
Where: The New Center, 8 W. 66th St. Richfield, MN 55423
When: March 22-23, 2025 9AM to 5PM both days.
Cost: Early Bird: $295 until March 11. After that the cost is $315.
To register: Fill out the form below AND pay the workshop tuition. You can pay online by visiting www.venmo.com/ and paying the fee to Rattle and Drum Journeys.
For more information or questions, please contact me at timothy@rattledrum.com/.
The Way of the Shaman®: 2025 March 22-23
The Way of the Shaman® 2025 March 22-23
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