Here are some resources that you may find helpful as you pursue your life’s journey toward healing, empowerment, understanding and happiness.
Shamanic Practitioners
Shamanic Teachers is a website providing a worldwide directory of shamanic practitioners and teachers. All the individuals listed are thoroughly trained and experienced. Visit their website for referrals to reputable practitioners in your area.
Many people find that shamanic work and psychotherapy complement one another, each discipline contributing to the individual’s healing journey. The therapists listed below all practice in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area and are comfortable working with clients also exploring shamanism.
Elaine Wynne
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)
The premier school for learning shamanic techniques, and the one through which I received most of my shamanic training, FSS offers basic and advanced shamanic workshops throughout the United States and the world.
I am a member of FSS’s teaching faculty, serving the United States’ upper Midwest.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 1939; Mill Valley, CA 94942 USA
415- 380-8282 (p)
415-380-8416 (f)
Sundoor School of Transpersonal Education
Sundoor offers initiation in the ancient practice of firewalking, and a wide variety of other programs geared to transform and empower participants. Sundoor is the school where I received my firewalking instruction. It is the real deal.